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MLK Day of Service-School Closed

  • SRS Home and School (map)

School is Closed

Please look for opportunities to volunteer.

MLK, Jr. Day of Service Options 2021
SRS Home and School is happy to share some of the options planned in our community and in surrounding areas that are open to all to participate in to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. The pandemic has certainly made it more difficult to volunteer, but there are ways to help for MLK Day and potentially year-round!

  • SLOTS ARE FULL! Trinity Swarthmore, Martin Luther King, Jr. Morning of Service, January 18, 2021: In honor of the legacy of the late Dr. King, Trinity Swarthmore will host its 7th annual Morning of Service in support of Caring For Friends, a non-profit organization which provides meals to home-bound individuals who have little to no means of support. Due to Covid restrictions on in-person gatherings, this year we ask participants to assemble breakfast bags with enclosed hand-made note cards at home, and then drop the breakfast bags off on the morning of January 18 at Trinity. Trinity volunteers will bring the breakfast bags to Caring For Friends to distribute to those they serve. The goal is to collect 1,000 breakfast bags! Click here for details:

  • For 2021, Penn State Brandywine’s Center for Ethics & Civic Engagement has teamed with Penn State Abington Student Engagement & Leadership to present two weeks of programming designed to offer service, education and activism opportunities in honor of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Many of their events are open to the public as part of the 26th Annual Greater Philadelphia Martin Luther King Day of Service, whose theme for 2021 is Justice and the COVID-19 Health Crisis.


    • Media Fellowship House Youth Coalition, Women of Harmony, Inc. and No More Secrets MBS Inc. are honoring the life & legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with their 4th annual Toiletry Drive.

    • All donations benefit women in the Philadelphia area & sheltered families at Pathways CFF, Wesley House, and Mothers’ Home. Click here for suggested donations of NEW items and info on when and where to drop off your donations. 

  • Media Fellowship House 

December 9

Web Workout Wednesday

January 19

Teacher In-Service-School Closed