(and take advantage of a chance to win a wonderful prize!)
Last year, Ms. Corson's SRS 5th graders had resolutions passed to recognize Indigenous Peoples' Day in the towns of Swarthmore and Rutledge. This year, an event will take place at 5 p.m. outside Rutledge Borough Hall on September 25, the Friday closest to the Harvest Moon. You are invited to celebrate the day at the event and to visit these sites shared by Ms. Corson and her class to learn about the Lenape, the indigenous people of the Northeastern Woodlands.
The Past and Present of the Lenape in Pennsylvania
In honor of the day, SRS Home & School Association is kicking off our monthly basket raffles--a special 2020-2021 activity--with a harvest and nature basket. All SRS families will be entered to win with one entry. Everyone who makes a donation to the Home & School Direct Donation Fundraiser by September 25th will receive four additional entries. You can donate here: https://www.srshomeandschool.org/donate
This month our main sponsor is Carriage House Hives, who contributed a lovely basket of their pure, raw honey from their bees located in Moylan and Old City Philadelphia. You can visit their site at carriagehousehives.com to learn more. The basket also includes 4 passes to Tyler Arboretum, pumpkins and gourds, a fall tea-towel, seeds for planting, smudge sticks, fresh local eggs and a copy of Kadir Nelson's book "If You Plant a Seed." Thanks to the families of Nathan and Jacob Sacker, James Ball, Ruby Hezlep, Elizabeth Gebhardt, George Loving and writer Lauren McCutcheon for their contributions.
If you think you may have something to share with the SRS community through our monthly themed baskets, please contact Rachel Hezlep at rlhezlep@comcast.net or 610.420.5898 for more information.